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©2023 HVT – The Netherlands

(Dutch review)

RECENSIE | ‘Down the rabbit hole into the earth’

Michel van Meersbergen:

“Dit is veruit de meest effectieve grounding-optimalisatie die ik tot nu heb gehoord. De mate van winst in muzikale ervaring,
de vanzelfsprekendheid en voor mij misschien wel de twee meest doorslaggevende: de kwaliteit en de signatuur van de
componenten worden niet aangetast. Je hoort zo eenvoudigweg beter, én daarbij het feit dat de werking voor mij persoonlijk
aan het audiofiele voorbijgaat. Ruimte, detail, toon, tijd – het komt allemaal heel mooi en natuurlijk samen. Wat een heerlijk
stuk gereedschap is dit! Wil je als audiofiel nu eens echt van muziek genieten, echt die emotionele overdracht ervaren, dan zijn
deze Ground Optimizers verplichte kost. Zeer warm aanbevolen.”

Vortex HiFi

©2023 hifi today | audiophiles onlinemagazin – Germany

(Nederlandse vertaling)

RECENSIE | ‘Een schone zaak’

Daniel Plaβmann:

“Het testverslag moet eindigen waarmee het is begonnen – met een “Wow!”.
Wat de GO doet is gewoonweg verbazingwekkend. En het mooiste daarbij is dat er lijken geen grenzen te zijn. Er is altijd ruimte voor verbetering.
Dus mijn advies aan iedereen die zijn systeem aanzienlijk wil upgraden zonder te hoeven investeren in nieuwe apparatuur, kabels of luidsprekers: probeer het zeker uit! Zelfs de goedkope GO1 MK2 in de basisversie is erg leuk. De GO3 Sigma MK2 topversie is verslavend.”

Vortex HiFi

International Distribution

(available infos: _reviews)



The essence of Harmonix is that the sound source that is played back through the audio system can be reproduced with the ultimate sound using the Balance control technology. The Balance control technology is perfectly constructed by us.

Among his masterpieces we have TU-1000M Million (Thunder God) tuning feet, TU-210ZX-M Million (WindGod) tuning spike, and TB-0917 Music Platform.

The Reimyo sound system we produce for many years. This system also uses various Harmonix Balance Control techniques. What we want you to pay attention to in this system is the  RF-808Z Million and the new TU-505Z Music Platform lately introduced.

Anyone who listens to the music played by our Reimyo system will be amazed by the wonderful playback sound. The tone will give you the illusion that you are about listening to live music.


Kazuo Kiuchi


©2022 Fidelity Magazine – Germany


Cast Iron Loudspeakers.


©2022 Vortex Care – The Netherlands

Causal origins of RF-EMF electrosmog

Ed Doggen:

“A report on, in several ways, a unique research to the causal sources of RF-EMF electrosmog. The results are as extraordinary as the investigation itself. Possibly this whole story will go beyond your power of imagination.”

Vortex HiFi

©2022 Vortex Care – The Netherlands

Causale bronnen van HF-EMV electrosmog

Ed Doggen:

“Een rapport over een, in meerdere opzichten, uniek onderzoek naar de causale bronnen van HF-EMV electrosmog. De resultaten zijn net zo bijzonder als het onderzoek zelf. Mogelijk dat dit alles het voorstellingsvermogen te boven gaat.”

Vortex HiFi

©2021 Vortex Care – The Netherlands

Het voorkomen en verminderen van EMV-elektrostress

Ed Doggen;

“Een publiek en vakinhoudelijk communiqué over de gevaren en maatschappelijke stand van zaken omtrent electrosmog.”

Vortex HiFi

©2021 Daluso – The Netherlands

Muziek luisteren in de ban van Electrosmog

Ed Doggen:

“Een eerste verkenning van het onderwerp ‘Electrosmog’. Aanleiding waren de persoonlijke ervaringen bij het plaatsen van een ‘slimme meter’ die duidelijk de fysieke en hoormatige effecten van electrosmog aan het licht brachten. “

Vortex HiFi

©2018 Fidelity Magazin – Germany

Who is Who: Daluso

- Daluso -

©2006 Vakblad Aluminium – The Netherlands

Daluso – Aluminium-extrusie voor luidsprekerbouw

- Daluso -

Cast Iron Loudspeakers

(available infos: _price list _reviews)


Because of their neat and organic appearance JERN speakers, at first sight they are instantly underrated as serious loudspeakers. But oh boy, when people hear them playing in an adequate hifi set in small and mid-sized rooms (<30m2). JERN’s don’t even need a precise speakers setup to present a well balanced defined sound stage, like most other brand speakers always do need.

Jern speakers have a perfect shape, outside and in particular the inside. Jern speakers are made of one of the best cabinet construction materials … Cast Iron.


In THIS online review you will find a slide show of the JERN 15 speaker.

It shows its beauty and grace.


Well setup, JERN speakers will amaze and capture you again and again, spot on.


But what is the secret behind JERN’s sound quality?

There is one decisive secret!


A cast iron cabinet is extremely rigid and generates very low resonances.

The round cabinet outer shape supports optimum radiation patterns in all directions without any sound wave diffractions.

The true secret lies within the cabinet. The arched inside wall! It has two important functions:

First, avoiding cabinet resonances by the varying wall thickness.

Second, diffusing the inside wall reflections in a way that returning reflections are hitting the bass drivers cone with an evenly divided  sound pressure. This benefits the sound stage projection significantly, avoiding any tendency towards any surround-sound characteristics like most speakers have.

Ultimately the speaker components qualities will determine the final sound quality. You will notice this by comparing JERN 11, 12 and 15 (A4-format).


The new bigger (A3-format) JERN35 shows extremely low distortion with loosing on musicality and dynamics.  All matching components are best quality. The sound is striking precise and realistic, and its bass is beautifully accentuated and controlled.


The round flat JERN W8, playing at the same quality level as the Jern11, is very suitable for stereo, home cinema, custom install and public applications. Its wide and high precision sound stage projection makes it ideal for a high quality surround/home cinema performances.


☞ Manufacturers website:


Natural Sound Devices

(available infos:_ papers _price lists _reviews)


Simply turn your analog/digital hifi, head-fi , streaming and surround sound into involving life sound.
Reduce and prevent the severe audible impact on sound perception because of the bad influence of all kinds of electrosmog of indoor/outdoor radiating sources.


Vortex HiFi offers a unique, innovative concept of devices to regain natural levels of life sound perception, music enjoyment and personal well-being.
A comprehensive additional program of de-stressing devices for all hifi analog and digital audio/video applications.


Over the last four decades – the digital era – the electronic world around us changed dramatically in such a way that it is turning against us, even against nature. Waste problems, air pollution, water pollution, etcetera. A tremendous invisible danger is Electrosmog that massively affects all living creatures on earth. It is already 24/7 around us, and it levels are growing progressively because we humans are immensely addicted to electronics, wireless communication, senseless data storage, electric and fossil energy.


Electrosmog has been emerged as a gigantic sound killer. Every piece of electronics, indoor and outdoor, produces more or less electrosmog. For some people at unbearable high levels.

Electrosmog is also affecting the human hearing. Music sounds dull, flat and emotionless. Vocals and musical instruments sound noisy and less airy. A sound stage is perceived smaller, flat and less ambient. All this because of the sustaining presence of electrosmog, and almost everybody is unaware that it is the number one ‘sound killer’.

At Vortex HiFi in Germany they already know this for quite many years and they developed very special devices to cancel Electrosmog within your listening environment and (re)gain the perception and experience of natural sounds. Even your personal well-being and life quality will improve.

At Vortex HiFi they are aware of the massive global electrosmog problems. Aware of how it seriously affects the human body and the human hearing. Our research and solutions were undeniable conclusive.


Read some of the Vortex HiFi papers, especially Frank Wacker’s report, than you know what is at stake.


☞ Manufacturers website:

Vortex HiFi

The Science of Beautiful Sound

(available infos: _awards _catalog _price list _reviews)


Almost four decades ago, Harmonix engineers set out to faithfully reproduce the true sound of music captured in professionally recorded music. To understand how beautiful sound is produced in the first place, they conducted resonance tests on Stradivarius, Guarneri and Amati vionlins. They discovered that when resonance is harmonized in one frequency, every aspect of the sound is precisely conveyed as it emanates from the instrument. They also found that resonance in a violin is perfectly balanced in one frequency, which is why there is no distortion.


Harmonix applied this new knowledge to develop entirely a new way of tuning audio, visual equipments including listening rooms that treats resonance as an essential element of sound. When Harmonix is applied, you can eliminate unwanted resonance frequencies to achieve incredibly pure and natural, distortion-free reproduction for a new level of sonic realism.


It’s always our credo: ‘Harmonix, when you are really serious about music’. Especially audiophiles are always searching for the “Holy Grail” for best hifidelity sound.
Hifidelity really means: organic and ambient sound, vocals and instruments dynamic impact and contrast, rich tones and harmony, deep defined sound stage, close to live musical performance, pure sonic realism, emotional involvement and soul touching. Anything left out so far?


Simply we can say: “You almost missed it!”.


Harmonix is all you need to experience and enjoy of perfect sound. In a few simple steps, by installing some tuning feet in your HiFi system, you will experience your classic, blues, jazz and all music as never before.


Being more than three decades available for music lovers and audiophiles, the continuously evolving Harmonix Resonance Tuning is still cutting edge technology.


☞ Manufacturers website:


Tuning Cables

(available infos: _catalog _price list _reviews)


聖Hijiri, a Japanese expression for ‘The Maestro’ or ‘Strong Leader’, gives an exceptional contribution in sound quality.
Harmonix Tuning cables had strong reputation based on Golden Performance interconnect cables, Sophisticated Listener’s Choice and Exquisite speaker cables, and StudioMaster power cords. The X-DC SM-MR ‘Million’ power cord, acknowledged as a world reference, became the design reference for COMBAK’s new Hijiri brand cables.


The Hijiri design philosophy is to restore and optimize all acoustic and hearing abilities for listening and experiencing music by optimizing current and signal flow, tuning resonances and eliminating electromagnetic and RF interferences up to almost 100%.


It took 5 years developing a complete new COMBAK cable program, Hijiri ‘Million Maestro’ Series and High Cost to Performance Series, aiming at tonal balance, sound stage imaging, dynamic musical and emotional impact. Hijiri … conducting all beautiful handcrafted ‘Pieces of Art’ in their true meaning of creation. Synergistically supported by Harmonix Tuning Devices, Hijiri will present will present al your favorite music in its true organic nature.


☞ Manufacturers website:


International Distribution

(available infos: _papers _reviews)


Daluso was founded in 2001 and started as a manufacturer of aluminium loudspeakers. Daluso stands for: Design ALUminium SOund systems. You can read our design anf development approach in one of the Dutch ‘review’ reports.

Daluso is world-wide the first manufacturer of fully extruded aluminium loudspeakers. The main cabinet part is a fully enclosed elliptical shaped tube, extruded to Daluso’s own design philosophy, drawings and specifications (2000/2001). Designing took 0,5 year and engineering 2,0 years.


In 2003 we started our manufacturing and marketing activities on full time basis. Developing a marketing concept, building a website, presenting at shows, visiting dealers, advertisings, reviews, etcetera. A lot of work in an economic difficult period.


To generate some money, it’s early 2005, Daluso started importing and distributing  some audio brands in the Benelux market. Harmonix and Reimyo were our first and well selling brands. Harmonix was, and still is today, a very special brand. It brought us to a new and higher levels of knowledge and understanding playback music: sound quality, sound improvement, room acoustics, sound perception, sound experience and most important ‘loving music passionately’.


After representing some other brands, AMR Audio was added in 2007 to the Daluso portfolio. In 2010 we were forced  to stop AMR. We really loved the AMR sound, and still do.


In 2010 we also stopped manufacturing our Daluso loudspeakers.  ‘Died in Beauty’ is we always said. According to colleague manufacturers and distributors, Daluso came 10 years too early on the market.


Meanwhile new brands came and leave, nothing really up to our taste, until in 2013 the AMR-team approached us to become one of their first iFi Audio distributors. It took us 3 years to establish and settle iFi Audio in the Dutch/Belgium market. Because of some differences of opinion we left iFi Audio early 2017.


In November 2015 Daluso became also the Harmonix-Hijiri-Reimyo distributor for Germany and Austria.


In 2017 Vortex HiFi came along and kept on fascinating us up till today.

Vortex HiFi is a new chapter in the field of sound improvement of (playback) music and wellness.


In 2019 ISOL-8, JERN and THÖRESS showed up.


And than early 2020 there was COVID-19.

During lockdowns we did a unique research, initiated by new Vortex HiFi devices based on their Oscillation Alignment (OA) technology.  The unique results were fascinating and staggering at the same time, and brought us to a new level of knowledge and understanding ‘Electrosmog’ and ‘Electrostress’, and how to deal with it in terms of preventing and reducing electrostress and geopathic stress, also regarding listening (playback) music.


In association with Daluso, Vortex HiFi started focussing on global distribution in 2023.

- Daluso -

©2007 Luister – The Netherlands

Daluso – Design uit Limburg

- Daluso -

©2005 HVT – The Netherlands

Daluso – Echt Aluminium

- Daluso -

©2005 Home Studio – The Netherlands

Daluso – Zuidelijk zingen

- Daluso -

2021 Fidelity Magazine – Germany

Harmonix Million Tuning Devices

The best in 10 years Fidelity Magazine


©2018 Fidelity Magazine – Germany

Harmonix Million Tuning Devices

RF-999M, TU-666M and RS-1502M.


©2019 image hifi – Germany

Harmonix ‘Tribute’ TU-800MM/MW Million

TU-800MM/MW Turntable Mattes.


©2023 Image HiFi – Germany

Es ist die Energie, was sonst?

Josef Bruckmoser:
Zitat: “Stehen die Hijiri Sound Matter also ganz in der Tradition de “stimmigen” Tuning-Elemente, ist ein “harmonischer” Klang schlechthin ihr Markenzeichen? Nach beeindruckender hörerfahrungen ist die Antwort ein klares “Ja”.”

Fazit: “Die Combak Corporation hat mit den Sound Matter die grosse Lücke zwischen ‘Nagomi’ and ‚TAKUMI‘ erfolgreich geschlossen. Die Zunahme an Energie, an Feinsinn und Symbiose, Gravität und Harmonie durch das Hijiri Sound Matter SM2R Limited Power Cord is äusserst überzeugend.”


(English translation)

It’s the Energie, what else?

“So, are the Hijiri Sound Matter completely in the tradition of harmonious tuning elements, is a harmonious sound par excellence their trademark? After impressive listening experiences, the answer is a clear „Yes”.”

“With the Sound Matter, Combak Corporation has successfully bridged the gap between ‘Nagomi’ and ‘TAKUMI’. The increase in energy, subtlety and symbiosis, gravitas and harmony through the Hijiri Sound Matter SM2R Limited Power Cord is extremely convincing.”


©2021 HVT – The Netherlands

Hijiri Million Maestro – Follow the Leader

Michel van Meersbergen:
“Kenmerkend voor dit kabelsysteem is een bijna absolute natuurlijkheid, vanzelfsprekendheid, dynamiek op zowel macro- als microniveau, een rijk kleurenpalet, betrokkenheid en een afwezigheid van alles spectaculair. Je wordt bijna letterlijk in het geluid gezogen waardoor luistersessies doorgaans en stur langer deren dann de bedoeling is.

Aanbevolen voor de liefhebber die voorbij aan de waan van de dag op een beschaafde manier door muziek bij de strot gegrepen wil worden. Niet door imposante overdetaillering, maar bekoorlijk door de waarde van doortekende en vooral oprechte eenvoud.”


©2021 Music Emotion – The Netherlands

Strong Japanese leader in power cables

Ruud Jonker:
“It is not unreasonable to state here that the Hijiri power cords and certainly the TAKUMI top model are among the best available. The TAKUMI is convincing in terms of space, a natural flow, detailing, focusing, dynamics and bass reproduction.
Hijiri cables belong to consumers who are addicted towards absolute sound quality.”.


©2017 Hifistatement – Germany

‘TAKUMI’ SMT Netzkabel

Dirk Sommer:
“Das große TAKUMI überzeugt schon nach wenigen Takten so sehr, dass man es nicht mehr hergeben möchte. Ein wenig realistischer – mit Blick auf den Preis – formuliert: ein Traumkabel!”.


©2023 hifi today | audiophiles onlinemagazin – Germany

(Nederlandse vertaling)

RECENSIE | VORTEX Hifi Ground Optimizer MK2

Frank Wacker:

“Ik was al blij met de oude versie van de Ground Optimizer, anders had ik niet alle hifi-systemen, tv’s en computers in huis ermee uitgerust.  Maar met de nieuwe MK2-versie katapulteert Norbert Maurer het effect naar zo’n veel hoger niveau dat ik hier en daar echt met stomheid geslagen ben. Zonder Ground Optimizer MK2 in ons huis werkt niets meer.”

Vortex HiFi

©2016 Hifistatement – Germany

‘Nagomi’ DCH Netzkabel

Dirk Sommer:
“Die Verbesserung ist enorm: Der Raum wirkt breiter und deutlich tiefer, Dynamik, Klangfarben und Schnelligkeit legen noch einmal in gutes Stück zu. Wirklich beeindruckend!”.


©2021 hifi today | audiophiles onlinemagazin – Germany

(Nederlandse vertaling)

Mijn ervaringen met de producten van VORTEX HIFI

Frank Wacker:

“De producten van Norbert Maurer openen nieuwe klankdimensies en de levenskwaliteit wint eveneens norm.  Het mooie daarbij is, dat gaat stap voor stap alsmaar verder, al naar gelang een financiële ruimte dat toelaat.  Ik zou vandaag de dag weer precies hetzelfde doen, in plaats van telkens nieuwe apparatuur aan te schaffen.”

Vortex HiFi

©2022 image hifi – Germany

JERN 15 – Ganz heiβes Eisen

Jochen Reinecke:

Der Jern 15 erzeugt die gesamte Palette von Emotionen – von sanften Melanchôl über bräsige Zufriedenheit, bis zum Himmelhochjauchzen. Daher spreche ich eine ganz dicke Empfehlung aus.

Wer nach der Devise “klein, aber fein” lebt, keine Lust mehr auf das permanente Rate Race um die besten Komponenten und Lautsprecher hat, sondern einfach nur die nächsten Jahrzehnte glücklich Musik jedweder Couleur hören möchte, der kann beim Jern 15 ohne Bedenken zuschlagen.


©2021 Fidelity Magazin – Germany


Dr. Roland Schmenner:

Die dänischen Kompaktlautsprecher Jern 15 verblüffen mit ungewöhnlichem Design und erstaunlichem Klang.



©2020 image hifi – Germany


Hartmut Tielitz:
“Zum guten Schluss muss ich Ihnen doch noch ein Problem mit den Jern 12WS beschreiben. Man gewöhnt sich an sie. Wegen ihres Aussehens, ihrer unaufdringlichen Präsenz und viel mehr wegen ihres Klangs. Daraus folgt ein ziemlicher Trennungsschmerz, wenn die Lautsprecher wieder zurück müssen, und ist bitte als uneingeschränktes Kompliment zu verstehen.”


Hijiri Catalog 2022-2023



Harmonix Catalog 2022-2023



©2018 image hifi – Germany

TU-812MX Record Clamp

Uwe Kirbach:
“Wer einen ein richtig guten Plattenspieler und Tonabnehmer besitzt, muss nach den Harmonix-Tellermatten (image hifi 5/2018) auch das Million Maestro Plattengewicht probieren. Es wirkt wie aus einer anderen (Klang-)Welt.”


©2018 FIDELITY – Germany

Harmonix Million, die Kunst der Feinabstimmung

Cai Brockmann✞:
“Was, bitte, ist denn hier los? … BOAH!”


©2018 Hifistatement – Germany

‛THE BASE’ TB-0917 Musik Platform

Dirk Sommer:
“The Base sind teuer – aber auch klanglich überzeugend!”


©2018 image hifi – Germany

Die Klangträume des Maestros

Uwe Kirbach:
“Die Tellermatten von Harmonix – die deutlich besten die ich in über 40 Jahren ausprobiert habe.”


©2017 Hifistatement – Germany

TU-800M ‘Tribute’ und TU-812MX ‘Million’ Maestro

Dirk Sommer:
“Die beiden können die letzten Schritte zum audiophilen Olymp sein, und lassen auch Skeptiker schwärmen.”


©2016 Hifistatement – Germany

RFA-7800 im Hörraum

Dirk Sommer:
“Wenn man sich erst einmal an die Tuningmaßnahmen gewöhnt hat, gibt es keinen Weg zurück.”


©2011 image hifi – Germany

TU-666M Million

Cai Brockmann:
“Die Harmonix TU-666M sind sicherlich kein Schnäppchen, aber ihre Investition absolut wert.”


©2010 image hifi – Germany

RFA-7800 Room Tuning

Cai Brockmann:
“Keiner der anderen, von mir ebenfalls skeptisch beäugten Tuningmassnahmen diverser Anbieter ist bisher an die erstaunliche Wirkung der Scheibchen von Harmonix herangekommen.”


©2014 image hifi – Germany

Harmonix X-DC Million Netzkabel

Uwe Kirbach:
“Kazuo Kiuchis X-DC SM Million Netzkabel bewirkt fast unglaubliches”.


©2008 Music Emotion – The Netherlands

Passie voor muziek

Rob Goossens Beeld & Geluid
Eerste Harmonix Tuning Centre


Brands and Infos

This website is launched in April 2023.  It is not based on showing nice pictures of hifi products but in serving you content material.
By selecting a ‘Brand‘ and corresponding ‘Info‘, this page will serve you available infos of brands, catalogs, papers, price lists and reviews.


☞ In the near future also a gallery, manuals and blogs will added.


Support and Service

We are specialized in system setup, room acoustics, room tuning, system tuning, electrosmog and electrostress prevention.
To serve and support our customers adequately you can contact us by email, phone, Whatsapp and FaceTime.
If you need some personal advise and would like to discuss by phone, you are welcome to send us a ‘CALL ME BACK’ request form.
that you will find on the CONTACT page.
Click on the SALES button and type your local telephone or mobile number, choose your <country> and choose <brand>.


☞ We speak and write Dutch, German & English.
